Wednesday, September 1, 2010

New sim up for download

Hey everyone, it has been a while, I know. Sorry!
I finally got my game not to crash while uploading sims (YaRly) So, the sim I'm sharing with you today is Eve, she is going to be my first vampire when Late Night comes out. Other than that she's kind of plain.
Hope you like her!

Please keep in mind that I have Awesomemod set to x5 for slider multipliers



Thank you to all of the CC creators, without you guys my sims would suck :)

Friday, August 6, 2010


Thank you all so much!
I know, 100 isn't a lot but for a new blog I think it's a good start :)
You all get an epic high five!
Thanks again!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Uploading those sims is going to take a wee bit longer, sorry. Game issues. For now, you will need to deal with the one a somehow got uploaded lol

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Time has Come!


You will need some sliders for my sims to look right. (Sorry!) If you don't tweak them then it, in theory, shouldn't matter.
I also have my Awesome Mod set to x2, this shouldn't make too much of a difference.

First up: Marshall Barrow

The town hooligan with a love for life and danger, Marshall makes himself well known in town. He takes every setback and treats it like a dare, overcomming it only to impress (and sometimes brag to) his friends. He grew up in a poor family, and on "the wrong side of the tracks." Although, he really doesn't seem to mind...or care for that matter.
His favorite color is black
Traits: Daredevil, handy, excitable, absent minded
Age: Teen
Skin: LadyFrontbum's silk default face and "nice" body @

The other sims will be up soon; right now my game is being stupid so I could only get one sim.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Hey hey hey!

What was your best dream or experience ever? Leave a comment saying what it was!
Did you really think I'd start a post without a pic or meme?


Hey everyone! Sorry for the lack of updates, just a bit busy. On to my main point here, I'm finally uploading sims! People actually liked them so I figured "Why not share?"

And share I will.

I'm uploading them soon (probably tomorrow) There are two young adults, which I think are kind of bland, and three teens.

Preview pics can be found here:

I'm not uploading the pics here because I'm feeling a bit lazy and very tired.

As usual, have a nice day, or, if you live near me...have a nice night :)


Tuesday, July 20, 2010


MOAR pedo! Anyone who has read my blog knows that this creeper follows any teen/kid sim he sees. He then creepily stares at them. Well here we go again...
Even better news...he's a teacher. This is the sim he was stalking...I just aged him up, he was born in game and is probably my cutest teen sim I've made/had in game.


As usual, more updates to come (don't worry I won't have any more related to this townie lol)

Think I'm in love!

Yep...not much to say here...
That's all for now folks!

(More sim updates comming soon)

Monday, July 19, 2010

New sim! (A very cliche one )

Yep, I did it...I made a zombie sim. There is a reason! Follow this story and you'll find *rich rewards. I was playing Left 4 Dead 2 so I wanted to make a zombie from the series called a "witch." Too much work, I failed *frowns* Then I just decided to whip up this chick who was left at the altar and some other cliche crap. She isn't the most original nor my favorite sim but she is funny to play as.
She's an insane, childish, hopless romantic, loner...and I forget her last trait. So she's pretty much an undead psycho who wants to be loved. She doesn't handle rejection well...

'Tis all for now folks!
*By "rich rewards" I mean a sense of satisfaction because you read the story behind a sim you probably don't care about. Is that not the best reward of all?

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Pedo Bear in Sims 3? Wut?

You heard it here.
Pedo Bear has taken on a new alias (some townie in Twinbrook) He's been stalking my simmie and some poor child townie. Pics you say? Of course!
Here is my simmie, being a dramatic teen she wanted to get away from home, I allowed this. Note that she is at the school playground...

See anything wrong with the pic below? I'll give you a hint...The grown man swinging with his evil smirk (he is not related to my sim or that poor kid next to him)

Sweet baby Jesus! Run you poor fool! I must say this man has the best pedo face ever.

Yep...staring at both of them like this is not creepy at all.

Lock up the kids after hours...
I would love to say this was me setting this creeper up...but it was all freewill.


Welcome to my new blog...that is if anyone sees this. Anyway, this is pretty much just a blog for my random Sims crap (and whatever else I find.)


The following blog contains memes and utter stupidity/fail.

You have been warned!